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- 最後登錄
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- 帖子
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- 最後登錄
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- 在線時間
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本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2019-5-26 09:22 編輯
2010年 3月標準局發佈了兩份國家標準:
CNS 15489-1:2010,資訊與文獻 - 檔案管理 - 第 1 部:概論 (Information and documentation - Records management - Part 1: General) (ISO 15489-1:2001 IDT)
CNS 15489-2:2010,資訊與文獻 - 檔案管理 - 第 2 部:指導綱要 (Information and documentation - Records management - Part 2: Guidelines) (ISO 15489-2:2001 IDT)
國家標準 CNS 15489-1 與 CNS 15489-2 採取和國際標準 ISO 15489-1 與 ISO 15489-2 調和的標準擬訂原則,不僅格式、內容、內涵相同,連標準編號也一樣。
國際標準化組織 (ISO) ISO/TC 46 「資訊與文檔」(information and documentation) 技術委員會 轄下的 ISO/TC 46/SC 11「檔案與紀錄管理」(archives and records management) 次技術委員會負責檔案與紀錄管理相關國際標準的擬訂工作。
documentation = 文檔
records = 檔案
documentation = 文獻、文檔
record = 紀錄
archive = 檔案
ISO 9000 管理系統在國內談了多少年了,Record 是紀錄大家應該都已經認同有共識,國家標準突然說 Record 是檔案?那麼紀錄的英文又是什麼?
根據國發會國家檔案局官方網站,國家檔案局的英文可是:National Archives Administrative,是否應該改為 National Records Administrative。
最扯的是,國家標準編號重複也不管!當然從電腦或機器人的觀點,CNS 15489 (2011) 與 CNS 15489-1 (2010) 和 CNS 15489-2 (2010) 是不同的物件,可是有誰會同意,它們絕對沒有關係。假如這樣的情形允許存在,要標準主管機關做什麼?
既然 2010 年已經同意 CNS 15489-1 與 CNS 15489-2 與國際標準連編號都接軌的國家標準在案,為什麼 2011 年又核可另一份新訂 LED 國家標準使用 CNS 15489 的國家標準編號。不禁要問,國家標準審查委員們在做什麼?標檢局到底有幾個局長?
- ISO 13008:2012, Information and documentation - Digital records conversion and migration process
- ISO 13028:2010, Implementation guidelines for digitization of records
- ISO 15489-1:2016, Information and documentation - Records management - Part 1: Concepts and principles
- ISO 15489-1:2001 (ed1.0), Information and documentation - Records management - Part 1:General
- ISO 15489-2:2001, Information and documentation - Records management - Part 2: Guidelines
- ISO 16175-1:2010, Information and documentation - Principles and functional requirements for records in electronic office environments - Part 1: Overview and statement of principles
- ISO 16175-2:2011, Information and documentation - Principles and functional requirements for records in electronic office environments - Part 2: Guidelines and functional requirement for digital records management systems
- ISO 16175-3:2010, Information and documentation - Principles and functional requirements for records in electronic office environments - Part 3: Guidelines and functional requirements for records in business systems
- ISO 17068:2012, Information and documentation - Trusted third party repository for digital records
- ISO 18128:2014, Information and documentation - Risk management for records processes and systems
- ISO 22310:2006, Information and documentation - Guidelines for standards drafters for stating records management requirements in standards
- ISO 23081-1:2006, Information and documentation - Records management processes - Metadata for records - Part 1: Principles
- ISO 23081-2:2009, Information and documentation - Managing metadata for records - Part 2: Conceptual and implementation issues
- ISO 23081-3:2011, Information and documentation - Managing metadata for records - Part 3: Self-assessment method
- ISO 26122:2008, Information and documentation - Work process analysis for records
- ISO 30300:2011, Information and documentation - Management systems for records - Fundamentals and vocabulary
- ISO 30301:2011, Information and documentation - Management systems for records - Requirements
- ISO 30302:2015, Information and documentation - Managing systems for records - Guidelines for implementation