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本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2017-11-12 04:09 編輯
管制圖(控制圖) (control chart) 是過程管理 (process management) 工作項目之一。過程管理相關相關標準的發展,從早期的過程控制(製程管制或製程控制) (process control) 的管制圖開始,目前逐步發展到統計過程控制(統計製程管制)(statistical process control),以及過程(製程)能力與性能(績效)(capability and performance) 的度量。1992 年以後,在世界貿易組織 (WTO) 為避免技術性貿易障ˋ礙(壁壘)(TBT) 所推動的國際標準與國家標準調和 (harmonization) 的努力下,過程管理相關國際標準的準備與制定工作,係由國際標準化組織 (ISO) 轄下的 ISO/TC 69 /SC 4 〈統計方法在產品與過程管理之應用〉(applications of statistical methods in product and process management) 次技術委員會負責,主要的工作重點分為三大部分:- 管制圖 ISO 7870 系列,由第 10 工作小組 (SC 4/WG 10: Revison of control charts standards) 負責;
- 製程能力與績效 ISO 22514 系列,由第 11 工作小組 (SC 4/WG 11: Process capability and performance) ;及
- 統計製程管制實施 ISO 11462 系列,由第 12 工作小組 (SC 4/WG 12: Implementation of statistical process control)。
各國的國家標準,如歐盟 (EN)、英國 (BS)、美國 (ANS) 等,對於過程管理標準多採等同 (IDT) 、修改 (MOD)、不同 (NEQ) 三種國家標準採用國際標準調和引用原則中的等同 (IDT) 原則。
以下就目前所蒐集的過程管理相關標準資料依年分排序說明:- BS 2564:1955, Control chart technique when manufacturing to a specification, with special reference to articles machnies to dimensional tolerances
- ANSI/ASQC B1:1958, Guide for quality control charts
- ANSI/ASQC B2:1958, Control chart methods of analyzing data
- ANSI/ASQC B3:1958, Control chart method for controlling quality during production
- CNS 2312:1965,分析數據用的管制圖
- CNS 2312:1974,分析數據用的管制圖
- CNS 10301:1983,個別值與移動全距管制圖 (X Control chart)
- BS 5700:1984, Guide to process control using quality control chart methods and cusum techniques
- ISO 8258:1991 (ed1.0), Schewhart control charts (withdrawn and revised by ISO 7870-2:2013)
- ISO 7870-1993 (ed1.0), Control charts - General guide and introduction (withdrawn on 2007-12-05)
- ISO 7966:1993 (ed1.0), Acceptance control charts (withdrawn and revised by ISO 7870-3:2012)
- BS 7785:1994, Shewhart control charts
- ANSI/ASQC B1:1996, Guide for quality control charts
- ANSI/ASQC B2:1996, Control chart methods of analyzing data
- ANSI/ASQC B3:1996, Control chart methods of controlling quality during production
- GOST R 51814-3:2001, Quality systems for automotive industry - Methods of statistical process control
- ISO 11462-1:2001 (ed1.0), Guidelines for implementation of statistical process control (SPC) - Part 1: Elements of SPC
- BS ISO 11452-1:2001, Guidelines for implementation of statistical process control (SPC). Part 1: Element of SPC
- BS 5701-2:2001, Guide to statistical process control (SPC) charts for variables - Part 1: Charts for mean, median, range, and standard deviation
- BS 5701-1:2003, Guide to quality control and performance improvement using qualitative (attribute) data. Uses and value of attribute charts in business, industry, commernce and public service
- BS 5701-2:2003, Guide to quality control and performance improvement using qualitative (attribute) data. Fundamentatls of standard attribute charting for monitoring, control and improvement
- BS 5701-3:2003, Guide to quality control and performance improvement using qualitative (attribute) data. Technical aspects of attribute charting. Special situation handling
- BS 5701-4:2003, Guide to quality control and performance improvement using qualitative (attribute) data. Attribute inspection performance control and improvement
- BS 5703-1:2003, Guide to data analysis and quality control using cusum techniques. Part 1: Uses and value of cusum charts in business, industry, commerces, and public service
- BS 5703-2:2003, Guide to data analysis and quality control using cusum techniques. Part 2: Introduction to decision-making using cusum techniques
- BS 5703-3:2003, Guide to data analysis and quality control using cusum techniques. Part 3: Cusum methods for process/quality control using measured data
- BS 5703-4:2003, Guide to data analysis and quality control using cusum techniques. Part 4: Cusum methods for discrete (count/classified) data
- ISO 21747:2006 (ed1.0), Statistical methods - Process performance and capability statistics for measured quality characteristics (withdrawn and replaced by ISO 22514-2:2013)
- BS ISO 21747:2006, Statistical methods. Process performance and capability statistics for measured quality characteristics
- ISO 7870-1:2007 (ed1.0), Control charts - Part 1: General guidelines (withdrawn on 2014-01-22)
- BS ISO 7870-1:2007, Control charts. Part 1: General guidelines
- ISO 22514-4:2007, Statistical methods in process management - Capability and performance - Part 4: Process capability estimates and performance measures (withdrawn and replaced by ISO 22514-4:2016)
- ISO 22514-3:2008 (ed1.0), Statistical methods in process management - Capability and performance - Part 3: Machine performance studies for measured data on discrete parts
- BS ISO 22514-3:2008, Statistical method in process management - Capability and performance. Part 3: Machine performance studies for measured data on discrete parts
- BS 5702-2:2008, Guide to statistical process control (SPC) charts for variables - Part 2: Charts for individual values
- BS 5702-3:2008, Guide to statistical process control (SPC) charts for variables - Part 3: Charting techniques for short runs and small mixed batches
- ISO 22514-1:2009 (ed1.0), Statistical methods in process management - Capability and performance - Part 1: General principles and concepts
- BS ISO 22514-1:2009, Statistical methods in process management. Capability and performance. Part 1: General principles and concepts
- ISO 11462-2:2010 (ed1.0), Guidelines for implementation of statistical process control (SPC) - Part 2: Catelogue of tools and techniques
- ISO 7870-4:2011 (ed1.0), Control charts - Part 4: Cumulative sum charts
- BS ISO 7870-4:2011, Control charts. Cumulative sum charts
- ISO 7870-3:2012 (ed1.0), Control charts - Part 3: Acceptance control charts
- ASQ/ANSI/ISO 7870-3:2012, Control charts - Part 3: Acceptance control charts
- BS ISO 7870-3:2013, Control charts. Acceptance control charts
- ISO 22514-7:2012 (ed1.0), Statistical methods in process management - Capability and performance - Part 7: Capability of measurement processes
- ISO 7870-2:2013 (ed1.0), Control charts - Part 2: Shewhart control charts
- ASQ/ANSI/ISO 7870-2:2013, Control charts - Part 2: Schewhart control charts
- BS ISO 7870-2:2013, Control charts - Shewhart control charts
- ISO 22514-2:2013 (ed1.0), Statistical methods in process management - Capability and performance - Part 2: Process capability and performance of time-depedent process models
- ISO 22514-6:2013 (ed1.0), Statistical methods in process management - Capability and performance - Part 6: Process capability statistics for characteristics following a multivariate normal distribution
- ISO 7870-1:2014 (ed2.0), Control charts - Part 1: General guidelines
- ASQ/ANSI/ISO 7870-1:2014, Control charts - Part 1: General guidelines
- BS ISO 7870-1:2014, Control charts. General guidelines
- ISO 22514-1:2014 (ed2.0), Statistical methods in process management - Capability and performance - Part 1: General principles and concepts
- ISO 7870-5:2014 (ed1.0), Control charts - Part 5: Specialized control charts
- BS ISO 7879-5:2014, Control charts. Specialized control charts
- ISO 22514-8:2014 (ed1.0), Statistical methods in process management - Capability and performance - Part 8: Machine performance of a multi-state production process (37 pages)
- BS 5700:2015, Guide to the selection of charting methods and capability assessment for use in statistical process control
- ISO 7870-1:2016 (ed3.0-wd), Control charts - Part 1: General guidelines
- ISO 7870-6:2016 (ed1.0), Control charts - Part 6: EWMA control charts
- BS ISO 7870-6:2016, Control charts - EWMA control charts
- ISO 7870-7:2016 (ed1.0-wd), Control charts - Part 7: Multivariate control charts
- ISO 7870-8:2016 (ed1.0-dis), Control charts - Part 8: Charting techniques for short runs and small mixed batches
- ISO 7870-9:2016 (ed1.0-wd), Control charts - Part 9: Control charts for autocorrelated processes
- ISO 11462-3:2016 (ed1.0-dtr), Guidelines for implementation of statistical process control (SPC) - Part 3: SPC on test examples for software validation
- ISO 22514-2:2016 (ed2.0-dis), Statistical methods in process management - Capability and performance - Part 2: Process capability and performance of time-dependent process models
- ISO 22514-3:2016 (ed2.0-cd), Statistical methods in process management - Capability and performance - Part 3: Machine performance studies for measured data on discrete parts
- ISO 22514-4:2016 (ed1.0), Statistical methods in process management - Capability and performance - Part 4: Process capability estimates and performance measures
- ISO 22514-5:2016 (ed1.0-dis), Statistical methods in process management - Capability and performance - Part 5: Process capability estimates and performance for attributive characteristics
- ISO 22514-0:2016 (ed1.0-cd), Statistical methods in process management - Capability and performance - Part 9: Process capability statistics for characteristics defined by geometrical specification
國際標準標準化組織 ISO/TC 69/SC 4 負責國際標準清單詳見 ISO 官網,相關國際標準清單部分截圖如下:
CNS 2312 管制圖國家標準早在 1965 年就制訂發行,1975 年改版迄今,並於2015 年 1 月 29 日經標檢局確認適用,內容詳見 CNS 官網,CNS 2312 管制圖國家標準現況之截圖如下所示:
相關文章請參考:ISO 統計相關標準 (http://tw-redi.com/forum.php?mod ... =373&extra=page%3D1)