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顧客的定義:- ISO 9000:2005, 3.3.5 Customer: Orgnization or person that receives a product. EXAMPLE. Customer, client, end-user, retailer, beneficiary and purchaser. NOTE. A customer can be internal or external to the organization.
- CNS 12680:2008,3.3.5 顧客:接受產品的組織或個人,例如:消費者、客戶、最終使用者、零售商、受益人與採購者。備考:顧客可以是組織之內部的或外部的。
- ISO 10001:2007, 3.4 Customer. Organization or person that receives a product. EXAMPLE. Consumer, client, end-user, retailer, beneficiary or purchaser. NOTE 1. A customer can be internal or external to the organization. NOTE 2. For the purpose of this International Standard, the term "customer" includes potential customer. NOTE 3. Adapted from ISO 9000:2005, 3.3.5.
- ISO 10002:2004, 3.3 Customer. Organization or person that receives a product. EXAMPLE. Consumer, client, end-user, retainer, beneficiary and purchaser. [ISO 9000:2000, definition 3.3.5]
- CNS 15332:2010,3.3 顧客:接受產品的組織或個人。例如:消費者、客戶、最終使用者、保有者、受益人及採購者。(CNS 12680,第3.3.5節)。
- 顧客包括:消費者、委託人、最終使用者、零售商、受益者、或採購者;
- 顧客:潛在顧客、交易顧客、流失顧客、忠誠顧客
需要(needs)、期望(expectation)、認知(perception)、情感、態度(attitude)、意圖(intention)、行為(behaviour) = 顧客要求、顧客滿意、顧客忠誠、顧客保留
顧客要求(customer's requirements):包括需要與期望。
顧客滿意度(customer satisfaction, CS)
顧客滿意度取決於消費者事前抱持的期望水準,與事後(實際體驗)對得到的績效表現產生的認知之間的比較。認知與期望一致,顧客會感到滿意;認知不如期望,顧客將不滿意。物當所值、物超所值,顧客滿意,產生情感。顧客滿意度除了對個別產品或服務屬性的滿意之外,還包括對產品或服務的整體性想法的整體滿意度(overall satisfaction)。
ISO 9000:2005, Quality management systems - Fundamentals and vocabulary
3.1.4 Customer satisfaction
Customer's perception of the degree to which the customer's requirement have been fulfiled.
NOTE 1. Customer complaints are a common indicator of low customer satisfaction but their absence does not necessarily imply high customer satisfaction.
NOTE 2. Even when customer requirements have been agreed with the customer and fulfiled, this does not necessarily ensure high customer satisfaction.
CNS 12680:2008,品質管理系統 - 基本原理與詞彙
3.1.4 顧客滿意度
ISO 9001:2008
5.2 Customer focus
Top management shall ensure that customer requirements are determined and are met with the aim of enhancing customer satisfaction. (see 7.2.1 and 8.2.1)
8.2.1 Customer satisfaction
As one of the measurements of the performance of the quality management system, the organization shall monitor information relating to customer perception as to whether the organization has met customer requirements. The methods for obtaining and using this information shall be determined.
NOTE. Monitoring customer perception can include obtaining input from sources such as customer satisfaction surveys, customer data on delivered product quality, user opinion surveys, lost business analysis, compliments, warranty claims and dealer reports.
CNS 12681:2009
5.2 顧客為重
8.2.1 顧客滿意度
ISO 10001:2006,
3 Terms and definitions
- 3.1 Customer Satisfaction Code of Conduct: promises made to customers by an organization concerning its behaviour that are aimed at enhanced customer satisfaction, and related provisions. NOTE 1. Related provisions can include objectives, conditions, limitations, contact information, and complaints handling procedures. NOTE 2. Hereafter, in this International Standard the term "code" is used instead of "customer satisfaction code of conduct."
4 Guiding principles
- 4.2 Commitment. An organization should be actively committed to the adoption and dissemination of a code and the fulfilmnet of its promises.
- 4.3 Capacity. An organization should make sufficient resources available for code planning, design, development, implementation, maintenance and improvement and manage them effetively and efficiently.
- 4.4 Visibility. A code should be well publicized to customers, personnel and other interested parties.
- 4.5 Accessibility. A code and relevant information about it should be easy to find and use.
- 4.6 Responsiveness. A code should respond to the needs of customers and expectations of interested parties.
- 4.7 Accuracy. An organization should ensure that its code, and information about its code are accurate, not misleading, verifiable and in compliance with relevant statutory and regulatory requirements.
- 4.8 Accountability. The organization should address accountability for and reporting on the actions and decisions with respect to its code.
- 4.9 Continual improvement. Increased effectiveness and efficiency of the code should be a permanent objective of the organization.
CNS 15483:2011,
- 藉由應用適當的顧客滿意度行為準則達到預防抱怨;
- 例如當接收到不滿意之表達時,內不的處理抱怨;
- 對於抱怨無法滿意地在內部處理之情況,達成於外部解決爭議。
3 用語及定義
- 3.1 顧客滿意度行為準則:組織關於其自目的在於強化顧客滿意度與關規定之行為對顧客所做之允諾。備考1:有關規定可能包括目標、條件、限制、連繫資料及抱怨處理程序。備考2:本標準以下使用「準則」一詞替代「顧客滿意度行為準則」。
4. 指導原則
顧客滿意度行為準則:- 4.2 承諾:組織須主動承諾準則之採納、整合及散佈,並履行其允諾。
- 4.3 能力:須備妥充分資源以供準則規劃、設計、開發、實施、維持及改進,有效果及有效率地管理之用。
- 4.4 可見性:準則須充分對顧客、員工及其他利害相關者公開。
- 4.5 可取得性:準則與其相關資訊須易於取得與使用。
- 4.6 回應性:組織在其準則中須回應顧客的需求與利害相關者之期望。
- 4.7 準確性:組織須確保其準則與其有關之資訊係準確的、不誤導的、可查證的,並遵守相關法令與規章要求。
- 4.8 當責:組織針對其準則的措施與決定及有關之報導,須建立與維持當責性。
- 4.9 持續改進:增進準則與其使用的效果與效率須成為組織恆久的目標。
顧客忠誠度(customer loyalty)為顧客承諾(customer commitment),係指顧客對特定品牌或公司維持長久關係的承諾,不會因外部干擾而離去,是顧客的態度與行為的綜合表現:
- 態度忠誠:情感承諾,同一產品再購意願、公司其他產品購買意願、向他人推薦意願、對競爭者的免疫力。
- 行為忠誠:持續承諾,重複購買、購買公司其他產品、向他人推薦。
顧客忠誠:非常滿意、願意推薦、繼續購買忠誠度:認知忠誠度(cognitive loyalty)、情感忠誠度(affective loyalty)、意圖忠誠度(conative loyalty)。
持續承諾 > 情感承諾 > 顧客滿意
顧客保留率或留客率(customer retention rate)
企業永續 = 顧客 + 供應 + 夥伴
顧客(customer) ⇒ 利害相關者(interested parties)
- 直接顧客(direct customers)、最終使用者(end users)
- 供應者(suppliers)、經銷者(distributors)、零售者(retailers)、販賣者(vendors)、合作者或合作夥伴(partners)、競爭者(comptitors)
- 股東(shareholders)
- 員工與工會(employees and labour unions)
- 社會(society),包括監管機構(regulators)
ISO 10001:2007, Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for codes of conduct for organization
ISO 10002:2004, Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for complaints handling in organization
ISO 10003:2007, Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for dispute resolution external to organization
ISO 10004:2012, Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for monitoring and measuring
ISO 10008:2013, Quality management - Customer satisfaction - Guidelines for business-to-consumer electronic commerce transations
ISO 10015:2012, Quality management - Guideline for training
CNS 15332:2010,品質管理 - 顧客滿意度 - 組織內部抱怨處理指導綱要
CNS 15483:2011,品質管理 - 顧客滿意度 - 組織行為準則之指導綱要
CNS 15484:2011,品質管理 - 顧客滿意度 - 組織外部爭議解決指導綱要