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本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2014-11-28 06:13 編輯
Michael Porter:「如果醫療產業想創造出高價值的醫療照護系統,必須以病人為中心,依據病患健康狀態整合各個專業和服務。」(康健雜誌 2007 年 8 月 105 期)
醫療照護 (medical care) = 健康照護 (health care)?
醫療照護 (medical care) 是專業技術服務,對象是健康有罣礙的病人,健康照護 (health care) 則是一種範圍更廣的專業服務,其對象擴大到一般要維持永續的普通人,也就是說從提供有病痛人的專業醫療到一般人的健康管理。
醫療品質或健康照護品質 (quality of medical care or health care) 定義:- 在現今的醫學知識條件下,對病人所提供的醫療服務,會增加病人有利結果的可能性,同時減少不利於病人結果可能的程度。[美國醫療機構聯合評鑑委員會,the Joint Commission of Accreditation of Healthcare Organization (JCAHO)]
- 照護品質是指對個人與群體所提供的醫療服務,可以增加其所需健康結果可能性且符合現有專業知識的程度。[quality of care is the degree to which health services for individual and populations increase the likelihood of desired health outcomes and are consistent with current professional knowledge. (IOM, 1990)]
- 運用現有的醫療知識,使醫療過程能增加病人理想醫療照護結果的程度,及減少不當醫療結果發生的機率。(Office of Technology Assessment, OTA)
- Evaluation of the performance of medical providers according to the degree to which the process of care increases the probability of outcomes desired by patients and reduces the probability of undesired outcomes, given the state of medical knowledge. Which elements of patient outcomes predominate depends on the patient condition. (US Congress, Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), The Quality of Medical Care: Information for Consumers, OTA-I-I-386, 1988)
照護品質為有品質的照護,是在正確的時間為了正確的理由提供正確的照顧。照護品質意謂著人們不接受他們不需要的治療,或是會傷害他們的治療。(Quality care is the right care, at the right time, for the right reason. Quality care means don't get treatment they don't need, or treatment that harm them.)
美國醫療品質委員會 (IOM) 二份具有里程碑意義的研究報告:- 1999年,《孰能無過:建造一個更安全的系統》(To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System)
- 2001年,《跨越品質鴻溝:21世紀的新醫療系統》(Crossing the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the 21st Century)
21 世紀優質醫療的六大醫療品質目標 (IOM):
- 安全 (Safety):避免可預防的傷害、降低醫療錯誤。 (Avoiding preventable injuries, reducing medical errors)
- 有效果 (Effective):依據科學知識(臨床指導綱要)提供服務。(Providing services based on scientific knowledge (clinical guidelines))
- 以病人為中心 (Patient-Centered):針對個人提供關懷與負責的照護。(Care that is respectful and responsive to individuals)
- 有效率 (Efficient):避免浪費時間與其他資源。(Avoiding wasting time and other resources)
- 及時 (timeliness):降低等待時間、改善醫療流程。(Reducing wait times, improving the practice flow)
- 公平 (Equity):一致的治療,不論病人的個性與群體統計屬性。(Consistent care regardless of patient
2001 年 IOM 提出,重新設計照護系統的十大原則:
- Care is based on continuous healing relationships.
- Care is customized according to patient needs and values.
- The patient is the source of control.
- Knowledge is shared and information flows freely.
- Decision making is evidence-based.
- Safety is a system property.
- Transparency is necessary.
- Needs are anticipated.
- Waste is continuously decreased.
- Cooperation among clinicians is a priority.
2005 年世界衛生組織 (WHO) 定義健康照護的六大品質尺度或領域:
- effective, delivering health care that is adherent to an evidence base and results in improved health outcomes for individual and communities, based on need;
- efficient, delivering health care in a manner which maximizes resource use and avoids waste;
- accessible, delivering health care that is timely, geographically reasonable, and provided in a setting where skills and resources are appropriate to medical need;
- acceptable/patient-centered, delivering health care which takes into account the preferences and aspirations of individual service users and the cultures of their communities;
- equitable, delivering health care which does not vary in quality because of personal characteristics such as gender, race, ethnicity, geographical location, or socioeconomic status;
- safe, delivering health care which minimizes risks and harm to service users.
醫療產業品質管理 = 健康照護品質 (healthcare quality) + 醫療器材品質 (medical device quality)
- 健康照護服務組織:ISO/IWA 1:2001, Quality management systems - Guidelines for process improvements in health care service organization
- 醫療器材:ISO 13845:2003, Medical devices - Quality management systems - Requirements for regulatory purposes
- 醫療器材:CNS 15013:2006, 用於法規目的之醫療器材品質管理系統要求(等同 ISO 13845:2003)
- 醫療實驗室:ISO 15189:2012, Medical laboratories - Requirements for quality and competence
- 一般實驗室:ISO 17025:2005, General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories
- 一般實驗室:CNS 17025:2007, 測試與校正實驗室能力一般要求(等同ISO 17025:2005)
優質醫療營運 = 健康照護品質 (healthcare quality) + 病人安全 (patient safety)
從消費者觀管,健康照護服務品質 = 技術品質 (technical quality) + 功能品質 (functional quality) + 組織品質 (corporative quality)
醫療品質策略建構過程 (WHO)- 利害相關者參與 (Stakeholder involvement)
- 狀況分析 (Situational analysis)
- 健康目標覆核(或證實) (Confirmation of health goals)
- 品質目標 (Quality goals)
- Choosing interventions for quality
- 實現過程 (Implementation process)
- 監視過程 (Monitoring process)
WHO Quality Interventions 六個領域:- 領導 (Leadership)
- 資訊 (Information)
- 病人與群體投入 (Patient and population engagement)
- 規章與標準 (Regulation and standards)
- 組織能量 (Organizational capacity)
- 照護模型 (Models of care)
醫療品質優良的醫院應該:- 能使病人得到迅速、確實的病情評估與診斷。
- 能以有效且痛苦少的方式進行治療,並親切細心的提供照護。
- 能使病人方便地得到所需的醫療照護,照護的過程以有計畫、協調良好的方式有效地進行,並能使病人獲得完整、有參與及出院後亦有良好安排的持續性照護。
- 能在醫療體系中發揮適當的功能。
- 能教育病人及家屬,使其學會正確的醫療觀念,及出院後自我照護的知識與技能。
- 能訂定有關病人權益的章程,以保障及促進病人與家屬的權益。
- 能建立及實施全院性、系統化的品質管理系統,並持續不斷地改進及提升品質。
- 能建立及實施有效的機制,對病人、家屬及院內員工做全院性院內感染管控,使感染的風險降到最低。
- 能訂定正確的經營目標與策略方針,健全醫院組織架構,有效的領導及管理所有的人力資源。
- 能具備足夠且合格的人員進行相關作業,使每位員工清楚瞭解其任務與職責,建立良好的工作態度與紀律,並給予良好的持續教育訓練,提高服務熱忱與團隊經神來提供病人照護。
- 能提供病人、家屬、訪客及員工一個安全、乾淨、合宜且溫馨的照護環境。
- 能提供良好的醫療資訊系統,迅速提供完整且正確的資訊,以方便病人照護與醫院管理。醫院亦能善加管理電腦化及非電腦化資訊,使其不受誤用或濫用,並能和院外相關資訊作比較分析,以改進照護品質及管理效能。
醫療品質的國際發展趨勢(醫策會)過去 | 現在 | 未來 | 品質控制
quality control | 品質管理
quality management | 創新
innovation | 逐步改進
incremental improvement | 持續改進
continous improvement | 突破改進
breakthrough improvement | 成本降低
cost down | 成本管理
cost management | 價值創造
value creation | 使用資料
use of data | 使用資訊
use of information | 使用知識
use of knowledge |
- 醫療(或健康照護)失效模式與效應分析 (healthcare failure mode and effects analysis, Healthcare FMEA or HFMEA)
- 根源分析 (root cause analysis, RCA)