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本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2013-9-16 19:30 編輯
德國 ISET Berthold Hahn 等所發表的報告指出,風力發電機組件的年失效頻度與失效停機時間資料:
(Source: Berthold Hahn)
風能發電系統可靠度沒什麼特別,《Just Do It!》。 風力發電機或風能發電系統是可維修系統,重要的績效指標為可用度或妥善率(availability),重要的參數為可靠度與維護度,只不過在節能減碳的驅動下,風能發電是當下的重點與亮點產業,因此有可靠度工程的應用舞台。
從系統工程的觀點,可靠度與維護度工程是支援性特殊工程應用技術(supportive speciality engineering technology),所有國際電工委員會 IEC/TC 56 技術委員會所發行的可恃性技術國際標準,例如 IEC 60300-3-1,都有適用的空間與時機。若不動手做,光說不練,只想創新求異、標新立異、與眾不同、什麼都自己從零做起、想獨享成果,結果是什麼都沒有!
參考資料:- Berthold Hahn et al, Reliability of Wind Turbines, ISET.
- Riso-R-1200, Igor Kozine et al, Failure Database and Tools for Wind Turbine Availability and Reliability Analysis - The Application of Reliability Data for Selected Wind Turbines, 2000.
- Johan Ribrant, Reliability Performance and Maintenance - A Survey of Failures in Wind Power Systems, Master Thesis, 2006.
- Peter Tavner, Reliability and Availability of Wind Turbine Electrical and Electronic Components, Durham University, 2009.
- Michael Wilinson et al, Measuring Wind Turbine Reliability - Results of the Reliawind Project.
- E. Echavarria et al, Reliability of Wind Turbine Technology Through Time, Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, ASME, 2008.
- Stefan Faulstich, Component Reliability Ranking with Respect to WT Concept and External Environmental Conditions, 2010.
- Salman Kahrobaee et al, Risk-Based Failure Mode and Effect Analysis for Wind Turbines (RB-FMEA), 2011.
- Okoronkwo Jonathan Onwukwe, Modeling the Reliability of Wind Turbine Generators (WTGS), Master Report, TERI University, 2011.
- ... 還有更多,google 一下就知道。