ISO 9001:2015 與 ISO 9001:2008 之用語主要差異 | |
ISO 9001:2008 | ISO 9001:2015 |
產品 Products | 產品與服務 Products and services |
排除 Exclusions | 不使用 Not used (參閱第 A.5 節有關應用性之澄清) (See Clause A.5 for clarification of applicability) |
管理代表 Management representative | 不使用 Not used (指定類似的責任與權利,但無單一管理代表要求) (Similar responsibilities and authorities are assigned but no requirements for a single management representative) |
文件化、品質手冊、文件化程序書、紀錄 documentation, quality manual, documented procedures, records | 文件化資訊、建檔資訊 documented information |
工作環境 Work environment | 過程運作環境 Environment for the operation of processes |
監視與量測設備 Monitoring and measuring equipment | 監測與量測資源 Monitoring and measuring resources |
採購產品 Purchased product | 外部供應產品與服務 Externally provided products and services |
供應商 | 外部供應者 |
表:ISO 9001:2015 WD、CD 、DIS 及 FDIS 版比較 | |||
ISO 9001:2015 WD 版章節 | ISO 9001:2015 CD 版章節 | ISO 9001-2015 DIS 版章節 | ISO 9001:2015 FDIS 版章節 |
ISO/TC 176/SC 2/WG 244/N 81 (2012) | ISO/TC 176/SC 2/N 1147 (2013-06-03) | ISO/DIS 9001:2014 (2014-05-13) | ISO/FDIS 9001:2015 (2015-07-01) |
前言 (foreword) | 前言 (foreword) | 前言 (foreword) | 前言 (foreword) |
簡介 (introduction) | 簡介 (introduction) | 簡介 (introduction) | 簡介 (introduction) |
(秘書處:待發展) | 0.1 概述 (general) 0.2 附錄 SL (annex SL) 0.3 顯著變更 (significant changes) | 0.1 概述 (general) 0.2 ISO 品質管理標準(the ISO standards for quality management) 0.3 過程方式 (process approach) 0.4 規劃-執行-檢核-行動循環 (plan-do-check-act cycle) 0.5 基於風險思考 (risk-based thinking) 0.6 與其他管理系統標準之相容性 (compatibility with other management system standards) | 0.1 概述 (general) 0.2 品質管理原則 (quality management principles) 0.3 過程方式 (process approach) 0.3.1 概述 (general) 0.3.2 規劃-執行-檢核-行動循環 (plan-do-check-act cycle) 0.3.3 基於風險思考 (risk-based thinking) 0.4 與其他管理系統標準之關係 (relationship with other management standards) |
1. 範圍 (scope) | 1. 範圍 (scope) | 1. 範圍 (scope) | 1. 範圍 (scope) |
2. 規範性引用文件 (normative references) | 2. 規範性引用文件 (normative references) | 2. 規範性引用文件 (normative references) | 2. 規範性引用文件 (normative references) |
3. 名詞與定義 (terms and definitions) | 3. 名詞與定義 (terms and definitions) | 3. 名詞與定義 (terms and definitions) | 3. 名詞與定義 (terms and definitions) |
4. 組織情景 (context of the organization) | 4. 組織情景 (context of the organization) | 4. 組織情景 (context of the organization) | 4. 組織情景 (context of the organization) |
4.1 瞭解組織及其情景 (understanding the organization and its context) 4.2 瞭解有興趣團體之需要與期望 (understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties) 4.3 決定品質管理系統之範疇 (determining the scope of the quality management system) 4.4 品質管理系統 (quality management system) | 4.1 瞭解組織與其情景 (understanding the organization and its context) 4.2 瞭解有興趣團體之需要與期望 (understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties) 4.3 決定品質管理系統之範疇 (determining the scope of the quality management system) 4.4 品質管理系統 (quality management system) 4.4.1 概述 (general) 4.4.2 過程方式 (process approach) | 4.1 瞭解組織及其情景 (understanding the organization and its context) 4.2 瞭解有興趣團體之需要與期望 (understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties) 4.3 決定品質管理系統之範圍 (determining the scope of the quality management system) 4.4 品質管理系統及其過程 (quality management system and its processes) | 4.1 瞭解組織及其情景 (understanding the organization and its context) 4.2 瞭解有興趣團體之需要與期望 (understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties) 4.3 決定品質管理系統之範圍 (determining the scope of the quality management system) 4.4 品質管理系統及其過程 (quality management system and its processes) |
5. 領導 (leadership) | 5. 領導 (leadership) | 5. 領導 (leadership) | 5. 領導 (leadership) |
5.1 領導及承諾 (leadership and commitment) 5.2 政策 (policy) 5.3 組織角色、職責及職權 (organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities) | 5.1 領導及承諾 (leadership and commitment) 5.1.1 關於品質管理系統之領導及承諾 (leadership and commitment with respect to the quality management system) 5.1.2 關於顧客需要及期望之領導與承諾 (leadership and commitment with respect to the needs and expectations of customers) 5.2 品質政策 (quality policy) 5.3 組織角色、職責及職權 (organization roles, responsibilities and authorities) | 5.1 領導及承諾 (leadership and commitment) 5.1.1 品質管理系統之領導及承諾 (leadership and commitment for quality management system) 5.1.2 顧客聚焦 (customer focus) 5.2 品質政策 (quality policy) 5.3 組織角色、職責及職權 (organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities) | 5.1 領導及承諾 (leadership and commitment) 5.1.1 概述 (general) 5.1.2 顧客聚焦 (customer focus) 5.2 品質政策 (quality policy) 5.2.1 建立品質政策(establishing the quality policy) 5.2.2 溝通品質政策 (communicating the quality policy) 5.3 組織角色、職責及職權 (organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities) |
6. 規劃 (planning) | 6. 規劃 (planning) | 6. 規劃品質管理系統 (planning for quality management system) | 6. 規劃 (planning) |
6.1 強調風險及機會之行動 (actions to address risks and opportunities) 6.2 品質目標及達標之規劃 (quality objectives and planning to achieve them) 6.3 變更之規劃及控制 (planning and control of changes) | 6.1 強調風險及機會之行動 (actions to address risks and opportunities) 6.2 品質目標及達標之規劃 (quality objectives and planning to achieve them) 6.3 變更之規劃 (planning of changes) | 6.1 強調風險及機會之行動 (actions to address risks and opportunities) 6.2 品質目標及達標之規劃 (quality objectives and planning to achieve them) 6.3 變更之規劃 (planning of changes) | 6.1 強調風險及機會之行動 (actions to address risks and opportunities) 6.2 品質目標及達標之規劃 (quality objectives and planning to achieve them) 6.3 變更之規劃 (planning of changes) |
7. 支援 (support) | 7. 支援 (support) | 7. 支援 (support) | 7. 支援 (support) |
7.1 資源 (resources) 7.1.1 概述 (general) 7.1.2 基礎設施與工作環境 (infrastructure and work environment) 7.1.3 監視及量測儀器 (monitoring and measuring instruments) 7.1.4 知識要求 (knowledge requirements) 7.2 職能 (competence) 7.3 認知 (awareness) 7.4 溝通 (communication) 7.5 文件化資訊 (documented information) 7.5.1 概述 (general) 7.5.2 創建及更新 (creating and updating) 7.5.3 文件化資訊之控制 (control of documented information) | 7.1 資源 (resources) 7.1.1 概述 (general) 7.1.2 基礎設施 (infrastructure 7.1.3 過程環境 (process environment) 7.1.4 監視及量測裝置 (monitoring and measuring devices) 7.1.5 知識 (knowledge) 7.2 職能 (competence) 7.3 認知 (awareness) 7.4 溝通 (communication) 7.5 文件化資訊 (documented information) 7.5.1 概述 (general) 7.5.2 創建及更新 (creating and updating) 7.5.3 文件化資訊之控制 (control of documented information) | 7.1 資源 (resources) 7.1.1 概述 (general) 7.1.2 人員 (people) 7.1.3 基礎設施 (infrastructure) 7.1.4 過程運作之環境 (environment for the operation of process) 7.1.5 監視及量測資源 (monitoring and measuring resources) 7.1.6 組織知識 (organizational knowledge) 7.2 職能 (competence) 7.3 認知 (awareness) 7.4 溝通 (communication) 7.5 文件化資訊 (documented information) 7.5.1 概述 (general) 7.5.2 創建及更新 (creating and updating) 7.5.3 文件化資訊之控制 (control of documented information) | 7.1 資源 (resources) 7.1.1 概述 (general) 7.1.2 人員 (people) 7.1.3 基礎設施 (infrastructure) 7.1.4 過程運作之環境 (environment for the operation of process) 7.1.5 監視及量測資源 (monitoring and measuring resources) 7.1.6 組織知識 (organizational knowledge) 7.2 職能 (competence) 7.3 認知 (awareness) 7.4 溝通 (communication) 7.5 文件化資訊 (documented information) 7.5.1 概述 (general) 7.5.2 創建及更新 (creating and updating) 7.5.3 文件化資訊之控制 (control of documented information) |
8. 運作 (operation) | 8. 運作 (operation) | 8. 運作 (operation) | 8. 運作 (operation) |
8.1 運作規劃與控制 (operational planning and control) 8.2 與顧客及其他相有興趣團體之互動 (interaction with customers and other interested parties) 8.2.1 與產品相關要求之決定 (determination of requirements related to the product) 8.2.2 與產品相關要求之審查 (review of requirements related to the product) 8.2.3 顧客溝通 (customer communication) 8.3 運作準備 (operational preparedness) 8.4 外部過程或產品之控制 (control of external processes or product) 8.5 設計與發展 (design and development) 8.5.1 定義 (define) 8.5.2 分析 (analyze) 8.5.3 實現 (implement) 8.5.4 查證與確認 (verify and validate) 8.5.5 轉移至運作 (transfer to operation) 8.6 執行/實現 (execution/implementation) 8.6.1 生產與服務提供之控制 (control of production and service provision) 8.6.2 生產與服務提供過程之確認 (validation of processes for production and service provision) 8.6.3 識別及追溯性 (identification and traceability) 8.6.4 產品之監視與量測 (monitoring and measurement of product) 8.6.5 不符合產品之控制 (control of nonconforming product) 8.6.6 屬於外部團體之財產 (property belonging to external parties) 8.6.7 產品之保存 (preservation of product) 8.6.8 交付後作業 (post delivery activities) | 8.1 運作規劃及控制 (operational planning and control) 8.2 市場需要及與顧客互動之決定 (determination of market needs and interactions with customers) 8.2.1 概述 (general) 8.2.2 商品與服務相關要求之決定 (determination of requirements related to the goods and services) 8.2.3 商品與服務相關要求之審查 (review of requirements related to goods and services) 8.2.4 顧客溝通 (customer communication) 8.3 運作規劃過程 (operational planning process) 8.4 外部提供商品與服務之控制 (control of external provision of goods and services) 8.4.1 概述 (general) 8.4.2 外部提供控制之種類與程度 (type and extent of control of external provision) 8.4.3 外部提供者之文件化資訊 (documented information for external providers) 8.5 商品與服務之發展 (development of goods and services) 8.5.1 發展過程 (development processes) 8.5.2 發展控制 (development controls) 8.5.3 發展轉移 (development transfer) 8.6 商品生產及服務提供 (production of goods and provision of services) 8.6.1 商品生產與服務提供之控制 (control of production of goods and provision of services) 8.6.2 識別及追溯性 (identification and traceability) 8.6.3 屬於顧客或外部提供者之財產 (property belonging to customer or external providers) 8.6.4 商品或服務之保存 (preservation of goods or services) 8.6.5 交付後作業 (post delivery activities 8.6.6 變更之控制 (control of changes) 8.7 商品與服務之發佈 (release of goods and services) 8.8 不符合商品與服務 (nonconforming goods and services) | 8.1 運作規劃及控制 (operational planning and control) 8.2 產品與服務要求之決定 (determination of requirements for products and services) 8.2.1 顧客溝通 (customer communication) 8.2.2 產品與服務相關要求之決定 (determination of requirements related to products and services) 8.2.3 產品與服務相關要求之審查 (review of requirements related to products and services) 8.3 產品與服務之設計與發展 (design and development of products and services) 8.3.1 概述 (general) 8.3.2 設計與發展規劃 (design and development planning) 8.3.3 設計與發展輸入 (design and development inputs) 8.3.4 設計與發展控制 (design and development controls) 8.3.5 設計與發展輸出 (design and development outputs) 8.3.6 設計與發展變更 (design and development changes) 8.4 外部提供產品與服務之控制 (control of externally provided products and services) 8.4.1 概述 (general) 8.4.2 外部提供控制之種類與程度 (type and extent of control of external provision) 8.4.3 外部提供者之資訊 (information for external providers) 8.5 生產與服務提供 (production and service provision) 8.5.1 生產與服務提供之控制 (control of production and service provision) 8.5.2 識別及追溯性 (identification and traceability) 8.5.3 屬於顧客或外部提供者之財產 (property belonging to customers or external providers) 8.5.4 保存 (preservation) 8.5.5 交付後作業 (post-delivery activities) 8.5.6 變更控制 (control of change) 8.6 產品與服務之發佈 (release of products and services) 8.7 不符合過程輸出、產品與服務之控制 (control of nonconforming process outputs, products and services) | 8.1 運作規劃及控制 (operational planning and control) 8.2 產品與服務要求之決定 (determination of requirements for products and services) 8.2.1 顧客溝通 (customer communication) 8.2.2 決定產品與服務要求 (determining the requirements for products and services) 8.2.3 產品與服務要求之審查 (review of requirements related to products and services) 8.2.4 產品與服務要求變更 (changes to requirements for products and services) 8.3 產品與服務之設計與發展 (design and development of products and services) 8.3.1 概述 (general) 8.3.2 設計與發展規劃 (design and development planning) 8.3.3 設計與發展輸入 (design and development inputs) 8.3.4 設計與發展控制 (design and development controls) 8.3.5 設計與發展輸出 (design and development outputs) 8.3.6 設計與發展變更 (design and development changes) 8.4 外部提供產品、過程與服務之控制 (control of externally provided processes, products and services) 8.4.1 概述 (general) 8.4.2 控制之種類與程度 (type and extent of control) 8.4.3 外部提供者之資訊 (information for external providers) 8.5 生產與服務提供 (production and service provision) 8.5.1 生產與服務提供之控制 (control of production and service provision) 8.5.2 識別及追溯性 (identification and traceability) 8.5.3 屬於顧客或外部提供者之財產 (property belonging to customers or external providers) 8.5.4 保存 (preservation) 8.5.5 交付後作業 (post-delivery activities) 8.5.6 變更控制 (control of change) 8.6 產品與服務之發佈 (release of products and services) 8.7 不符合過程輸出控制 (control of nonconforming outputs) |
9. 績效評估 (performance evalution) | 9. 績效評估 (performance evaluation) | 9. 績效評估 (performance evaluation) | 9. 績效評估 (performance evaluation) |
9.1 監視、量測、分析與評估 (monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation) 9.1.1 概述 (general) 9.1.2 顧客滿意度 (customer satisfaction) 9.1.3 資料分析 (analysis of data) 9.2 內部稽核 (internal audit) 9.3 管理審查 (management review) | 9.1 監視、量測、分析與評估 (monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation) 9.1.1 概述 (general) 9.1.2 顧客滿意度 (customer satisfaction) 9.1.3 資料分析與評估 (analysis and evaluation of data) 9.2 內部稽核 (internal audit) 9.3 管理審查 (management review) | 9.1 監視、量測、分析與評估 (monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation) 9.1.1 概述 (general) 9.1.2 顧客滿意度 (customer satisfaction) 9.1.3 分析與評估 (analysis and evaluation) 9.2 內部稽核 (internal audit) 9.3 管理審查 (management review) | 9.1 監視、量測、分析與評估 (monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation) 9.1.1 概述 (general) 9.1.2 顧客滿意度 (customer satisfaction) 9.1.3 分析與評估 (analysis and evaluation) 9.2 內部稽核 (internal audit) 9.3 管理審查 (management review) 9.3.1 概述 (general) 9.3.2 管理審查輸入 (management review inputs) 9.3.3 管理審查輸出 (management review outputs) |
10. 改進 (improvement) | 10. 改進 (improvement) | 10. 改進 (improvement) | 10. 改進 (improvement) |
10.1 不符合及改正行動 (nonconformity and cotrective action) 10.2 持續改進 (continual improvement) | 10.1 不符合及改正行動 (nonconformity and corrective actions) 10.2 改進 (improvement) | 10.1 概述 (general) 10.2 不符合性及改正行動 (nonconformity and corrective action) 10.3 持續改進 (continual improvement) | 10.1 概述 (general) 10.2 不符合性及改正行動 (nonconformity and corrective action) 10.3 持續改進 (continual improvement) |
(秘書處:必要時待發展) | 附錄 A (參考) 品質管理原則 (quality management principles) A.1 簡介 (introduction) A.2 QM1:顧客聚焦 (customer focus) A.3 QM2:領導 (leadership) A.4 QM3:人員融入 (engagement of people) A.5 QM 4:過程方式 (process approach) A.6 QM 5:改進 (improvement) A.7 QM 6:基於證據之決策制訂 (evidence-based decision making) A.8 QM 7:關係管理 (relationship management) | 附錄 A (參考) 新架構、名詞與觀念之澄清 (clarification of new structure, terminology and concepts) A.1 架構與名詞 (structure and terminology) A.2 產品與服務 (products and services) A.3 組織之情境 (context of the organization) A.4 基於風險方式 (risk-based approach) A.5 應用性 (applicability) A.6 文件化資訊 (documented information) A.7 組織知識 (organizational knowledge) A.8 外部提供產品與服務之控制 (control of externally provided products and services) | 附錄 A (參考) 新架構、名詞與觀念之澄清 (clarification of new structure, terminology and concepts) |
附錄 B (參考) 品質管理原則 (quality management priciples) B.1 簡介 (introduction) B.2 QM1:顧客聚焦 (customer focus) B.2 QM2:領導(leadership) B.3 QM3:人員許諾(或融入)[sup]註[/sup](engagement of people) B.4 QM4:過程方式 (process approach) B.5 QM5:改進 (improvement) B.6 QM6:以證據為基礎決策制訂 (evidence-based decision making) B.7 QM7:關係管理 (relationship management) | 附錄 B (參考) ISO/TC 176 發展有關品質管理與品質管理系統之其他國際標準 (other International Standards on quality management and quality management systems developed by ISO/TC 176) | ||
附錄 C (參考) 品質管理標準 ISO 10000 組合 (the ISO 10000 portfolio of quality management standards) | |||
參考書目 Bibliography | 參考書目 Bibliography | 參考書目 Bibliography | 參考書目 Bibliography |
0.3 過程方式(Process approach)
Consistent and predictable results are achieved more effectively and efficiently when activities are understood and managed as interrelated processes that function as a coherent system. This International Standard promotes the adoption of a process approach when developing, implementing and improving the effectiveness of a quality management system, to enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements. Clause 4.4 of this International Standard includes specific requirements considered essential to the adoption of a process approach.
The process approach applies systematic definition and management of processes and their interactions so as to achieve the intended results in accordance with the quality policy and strategic direction of the organization. Management of the processes and the system as a whole can be achieved using a “Plan-Do-Check-Act” (PDCA) methodology (see 0.4) with an overall focus on “Risk-based thinking” aimed at preventing undesirable outcomes (see 0.5).
When used within a quality management system, the process approach ensures:
a) understanding and consistently meeting requirements;
b) consideration of processes in terms of added value;
c) the achievement of effective process performance;
d) improvement of processes based on evaluation of data and information.
Figure 1 illustrates the process linkages between clauses 4 to 10 of this International Standard. This shows that customers play a significant role in defining the input requirements that the organization needs to meet at all stages of its quality management system. In addition, the needs and expectations of other relevant interested parties can also play a role in defining those requirements. Monitoring of customer satisfaction requires the evaluation of information relating to customer perceptions as to whether the organization has met these requirements.
The schematic model shown in Figure 1 covers all the requirements of this International Standard, but does not show the individual processes at a detailed level. Each of these processes, and the system as a whole, can be managed using the PDCA methodology described in clause 0.4 of this International Standard.
WD、CD、DIS 版名詞與定義比較 | ||
ISO/WD 9001:2012 | ISO/CD 9001:2013 | ISO/DIS 9001:2014 |
3.01 組織 organization | 3.01 組織 organization | 3.01 組織 organization ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.2.1 |
3.02 有興趣團體 interested parties | 3.02 有興趣團體 interested parties 利害相關者 stakeholder | 3.02 有興趣團體 interested parties ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.2.4 |
3.03 要求 requirement | 3.03 要求 requirement | 3.03 要求 requirement ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.5.4 |
3.04 管理系統 management system | 3.04 管理系統 management system | 3.04 管理系統 management system ISO/DIS 9000:2014, |
3.05 高層管理 top management | 3.05 高層管理 top management | 3.05 高層管理 top management ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.1.1 |
3.06 有效性 effectiveness | 3.06 有效性 effectiveness | 3.06 有效性 effectiveness ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.7.7 |
3.07 政策 policy | 3.07 政策 policy | 3.07 政策 policy ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.4.5 |
3.08 目標 objective | 3.08 目標 objective | 3.08 目標 objective ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.7.1 |
3.09 風險 risk | 3.09 風險 risk | 3.09 風險 risk ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.7.4 |
3.10 職能 competence | 3.10 職能 competence | 3.10 職能 competence ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.6.6 |
3.11 文件化資訊 documented information | 3.11 文件化資訊 documented information | 3.11 文件化資訊 documented information ISO/DIS 9000:2014, |
3.12 過程 process | 3.12 過程 process | 3.12 過程 process ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.6.1 |
3.13 績效 performance | 3.13 績效 performance | 3.13 績效 performance ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.7.5 |
3.14 委外(動詞) outsource | 3.14 委外(動詞) outsource | 3.14 委外(動詞) outsource ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.6.3 |
3.15 監視 monitoring | 3.15 監視 monitoring | 3.15 監視 monitoring ISO/DIS 9000:2014, |
3.16 量測 measurement | 3.16 量測 measurement | 3.16 量測 measurement ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.13.3 |
3.17 稽核 audit | 3.17 稽核 audit | 3.17 稽核 audit ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.10.1 mod |
3.18 符合性 conformity | 3.18 符合性 conformity | 3.18 符合性 conformity ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.5.6 |
3.19 不符合性 nonconformity | 3.19 不符合性 nonconformity | 3.19 不符合性 nonconformity ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.5.5 |
3.20 改正 correction | 3.20 改正 correction | 3.20 改正行動 corrective action ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.11.2 |
3.21 改正行動 corrective action | 3.21 改正行動 corrective action | 3.21 持續改進 continual improvement |
3.22 持續改進 continual improvement | 3.22 持續改進 continual improvement | 3.22 改正 correction ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.11.3 |
3.23 參與 imvolvement ISO 10018:2012, 3.5 | ||
3.24 組織內涵 context of the organization ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.2.3 | ||
3.25 機能(功能) function ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.2.5 | ||
3.26 顧客 customer ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.2.6 | ||
3.27 供應者、提供者 supplier, provider ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.2.7 | ||
3.28 改進 improvement ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.3.1 | ||
3.29 管理 management ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.3.2 | ||
3.30 品質管理 quality management ISO/DIS 9000:2014, | ||
3.31 系統 system ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.4.1 | ||
3.32 基礎建設 infrastructure | ||
3.33 品質管理系統 quality management system ISO/DIS 9000:2014, | ||
3.34 品質政策 quality policy ISO/DIS 9000:2014, | ||
3.35 策略 strategy ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.4.8 | ||
3.36 物件 object ISO 1087-1:2000, ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.5.1 | ||
3.37 品質 quality ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.5.2 | ||
3.38 法令要求 statutory requirement ISO/DIS 9000:2014, | ||
3.39 規章要求 requlatory requirement ISO/DIS 9000:2014, | ||
3.40 瑕疵 defect ISO/DIS 9000:2014, | ||
3.41 追溯性 traceability ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.5.8 | ||
3.42 創新 innovation ISO/DIS 9000:2014, | ||
3.43 合約 contract ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.6.4 | ||
3.44 設計與發展 design and development ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.6.5 | ||
3.45 品質目標 quality objective ISO/DIS 9000:2014, | ||
3.46 輸出 output ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.7.3 | ||
3.47 產品 product ISO/DIS 9000:2014, mod | ||
3.48 服務 service ISO/DIS 9000:2014, | ||
3.49 資料 data ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.8.1 | ||
3.50 資訊 information ISO/DIS 9000:2014, | ||
3.51 客觀證據 objective evidence ISO/DIS 9000:2014, | ||
3.52 資訊系統 information system ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.8.2 | ||
3.53 知識 knowledge ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.8.3 | ||
3.54 查證 verification ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.8.5 mod | ||
3.55 確認 validation ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.8.6 mod | ||
3.56 回饋 feedback ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.9.2 | ||
3.57 顧客滿意度 customer satisfaction ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.9.3 | ||
3.58 抱怨 complaint ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.9.4 | ||
3.59 稽核方案 audit programme ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.10.9 | ||
3.60 稽核準則 audit criteria ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.10.12 mod | ||
3.61 目標/稽核證據 objective/audit evidence ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.10.13 | ||
3.62 稽核發現 audit findings ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.10.14 | ||
3.63 特許 concession ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.11.5 | ||
3.64 發行 release ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.11.7 | ||
3.65 特性 characteristic ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.12.1 | ||
3.66 績效指標 performance indicator ISO/DIS 9000:2014, | ||
3.67 決定 determination ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.13.1 | ||
3.68 審查 review ISO/DIS 9000:2014, | ||
3.69 量測試驗 measuring equipment ISO/DIS 9000:2014, 3.13.5 | ||
ISO 9001:2015 (29 項) | ISO 9001:2015 FDIS (28 項) | ISO 9001:2015 DIS (26 項) | ISO 9001:2008 (23 項) | ISO 9001:2000 (19 項) |
1. ISO 9004 | 1. ISO 9004 | 1. ISO 9000 | -- | -- |
2. ISO 10001 | 2. ISO 10001 | 2. ISO 9004 | 1. ISO 9004:- | 2. ISO 9004:2000 |
3. ISO 10002 | 3. ISO 10002 | 3. ISO 10001 | 2. ISO 10001:2007 | -- |
4. ISO 10003 | 4. ISO 10003 | 4. ISO 10002 | 3. ISO 10002:2004 | -- |
5. ISO 10004 | 5. ISO 10004 | 5. ISO 10003 | 4. ISO 10003:2007 | -- |
6. ISO 10005 | 6. ISO 10005 | 6. ISO 10004 | -- | -- |
7. ISO 10006 | 7. ISO 10006 | 7. ISO 10005 | 5. ISO 10005:2005 | 3. ISO 10005:1995 |
8. ISO 10007 | 8. ISO 10007 | 8. ISO 10006 | 6. ISO 10006:2003 | 4. ISO 10006:1997 |
9. ISO 10008 | 9. ISO 10008 | 9. ISO 10007 | 7. ISO 10007:2003 | 5. ISO 10007:1995 |
10. ISO 10012 | 10. ISO 10012 | 10. ISO 10008 | -- | -- |
11. ISO 10013 | 11. ISO 10013 | 11. ISO 10012 | 8. ISO 10012:2003 | 9. ISO 10012-1:1992 10. ISO 10012-2:1997 |
12. ISO 10014 | 12. ISO 10014 | 12. ISO 10013 | 9. ISO 10013:2001 | 11. ISO 10013:1995 |
13. ISO 10015 | 13. ISO 10015 | 13. ISO 10014 | 10. ISO 10014:2006 | 12. ISO 10014:1998 |
14. ISO 10017 | 14. ISO 10017 | 14. ISO 10015 | 11. ISO 10015:1999 | 13. ISO 10015:1999 |
15. ISO 10018 | 15. ISO 10018 | 15. ISO 10017 | 12. ISO 10017:2003 | 14. ISO 10017:1999 |
16. ISO 10019 | 16. ISO 10019 | 16. ISO 10018 | -- | -- |
17. ISO 14001 | 17. ISO 14001 | 17. ISO 10019 | 13. ISO 10019:2005 | -- |
18. ISO 19011 | 18. ISO 19011 | 18. ISO 14001 | 14. ISO 14001:2004 | 15. ISO 14001:1996 |
19. ISO 31000 | 19. ISO 31000 | 19. ISO 19011 | 15. ISO 19011:2002 | 6. ISO 10011-1:1990 7. ISO 10011-2:1991 8. ISO 10011-3:1991 |
20. ISO 37500 | 20. ISO 37500 | 20. ISO 37500 | -- | -- |
21. ISO 90003 | 21. ISO 90003 | 21. IEC 60300-1 | 16. IEC 60300-1:2003 | 16. IEC 60300-1:- |
22. IEC 60300-1 | 22. IEC 60300-1 | 22. IEC 61160 | 17. IEC 61160:2006 | -- |
23. IEC 61160 | 23. IEC 61160 | 23. ISO 90003 | 18. ISO 90003:2004 | 1. ISO 9000-3:1997 |
24. Quality management principles | 24. Quality management principles | 24. Quality management principles | 19. Quality managment priniciples, 2001 | 17. Quality managment principles brochure |
25. Selection and use of the ISO 9000 family of standards, ISO | 25. Selection and use of the ISO 9000 family of standards, ISO | 25. Selection and use of the ISO 9000 familty of standards, ISO | 20. ISO 9000 - Selection and use, 2008 | -- |
26. ISO 9001 for Small Business - What to do, ISO | 26. ISO 9001 for Small Businesses - What to do, ISO | 26. ISO 9001 for Small Businesses - What to do, ISO | 21. ISO for Small Businesses - What to do, 2002 | -- |
27. Integrated use of managment system standards, ISO | 27. www.iso/org/tc176/sc02/public | 22. ISO Management systems | -- | |
28. www.iso/org/tc176/sc02/public | 28. | 23. Reference web sites | 19. Reference web sites | |
29. | 18. ISO 9000 + ISO 14000 News |
ISO/DIS 9001:2015 與 ISO/FDIS 9001:2015 第 10 章 內容比較 | ||
DIS (2015) | FDIS (2015) | 注釋 |
10. Improvement | 10. Improvement | |
10.1 General | 10.1 General | |
The organization shall determine and select opportunities for improvement and implement necessary actions to meet customer requirements and enhance customer satisfaction. | The organization shall determine and select opportunities for improvement and implement any necessary actions to meet customer requirements and enhance customer satisfaction. | 加了一個字any |
This shall include, as appropriate: a) improving processes to prevent nonconformities; b) improving products and services to meet known and predicted requirements; c) improving quality management system results. | These shall include: a) improving products and services to meet requirements as well as to address future needs and expectations; b) correcting, preventing or reducting undersired effects; c) improving the performance and effectiveness of the quality management systems. | 維持三項,但是內容大符調整。 |
NOTE. Improvement can be effected reactively (e.g., corrective action), incrementally (e.g., continual improvement), by step change (e.g., breakthrough), creatively (e.g., innovation) or by re-organization (e.g., transformation). | NOTE. Examples of improvement can include correction, corrective action, continual improvement, breakthrough change, innovation and re-organization. | 文字內容改變。 原先使用形容詞、括號舉例名詞,改為只用名詞。 |
10.2 Nonconformity and corrective action | 10.2 Nonconformity and corrective action | 維持 |
10.2.1 When a nonconformity occurs, including those arising from complaints, the organization shall: a) react to the nonconformity and as applicable: 1) take action to control and correct it; 2) deal with the consequences; b) evaluate the need for action to eliminate the cause(s) of the nonconformity, in order that it does not recur or occur elsewhere, by: 1) reviewing the nonconformity; 2) determining the causes of the nonconformity; 3) determining if similar nonconformities exist, or could potentially occur; c) implement any action needed; d) review the effectiveness of any corrective action taken; e) make changes to the quality management system, if necessary. Corrective actions shall be appropriate to the effects of the nonconformities encountered. NOTE 1. In some instances, it can be impossible to eliminate the cause of a nonconformity. NOTE 2. Corrective action can reduce the likelihood of recurrence to an acceptable level. | 10.2.1 When a nonconformity occurs, including any arising from complaints, the organization shall: a) react to the nonconformity and, as applicable: 1) take action to control and correct it; 2) deal with the consequences; b) evaluate the need for action to eliminate the cause(s) of the nonconformity, in order that it does not recur or occur elsewhere, by: 1) reviewing and analyzing the nonconformity; 2) determining the causes of the nonconformity; 3) determining if similar nonconformities exist, or could potentially occur; c) implement any action needed; d) review the effectiveness of any corrective action taken; e) update risks and opportunities determined during planning, if necessary; f) make changes to the quality management system, if necessary. Corrective actions shall be appropriate to the effects of the nonconformities encountered. | those 改成 any; 項目增加一項 (e) 風險與機會; 取消兩個注釋。 |
10.2.2 The organization shall retain documented information as evidence of: a) the nature of the nonconformities and any subsequent actions taken; b) the results of any corrective action. | 10.2.2 The organization shall retain documented information as evidence of: a) the nature of the nonconformities and any subsequent actions taken; b) the results of any corrective action. | 不變 |
10.3 Continual improvement The organization shall continually improve the suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of the quality management system. The organization shall consider the outputs of analysis and evaluation, and the outputs from management review, to confirm if there are areas of underperformance or opportunities that shall be addressed as part of continual improvement. Where applicable, the organization shall select and ultilise applicable tools and methodologies for investigation of the causes of underperformance and for supporting continual improvement. | 10.3 Continual improvement The organization shall continually improve the suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the quality management system. The organization shall consider the results of analysis and evaluation, and the outputs from management review, to determine if there are needs or opportunities that shall be addressed as part of continual improvement. | 取消第三段內容 (Where applicable ...)。 |
ISO 9001:2008 | ISO 9001:2015 |
產品 Products | 產品與服務 Products and services |
排除 Exclusion | 不使用 Not used (See Annex A.4 for clarification of applicability) |
文檔、記錄 Documentation, records | 文件化資訊 Documented information |
工作環境 Work environment | 過程運作之環境 Environment for the operation of processes |
採購之產品 Purchased product | 外部供應產品與服務 Externally provided products and services |
供應者 Supplier | 外部提供者 External provider |
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