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標題: IEC 61400系列:風力渦輪發電機系統 [打印本頁]

作者: hlperng    時間: 2013-6-7 23:38:56     標題: IEC 61400系列:風力渦輪發電機系統

本帖最後由 hlperng 於 2014-6-4 21:01 編輯

IEC 61400風力渦輪國際標準系列由國際電工委員會(IEC)第88技術委員會《風力渦輪發電機系統》(Wind Turbine Generator Systems)負責擬訂,IEC 61400系列國際包準包括下列部分:

已知的IEC 61400系列標準包括:
IEC 61400-1:2005 ed 3.0,
Wind Turbines - Part 1: Design Requirements
CNS 15176-1:2008:風力機 - 第1部:設計規定
GB/T 18451.1-2012:風力發電機組 設計要求
IEC 61400-2:2010 ed 3.0,
Wind Turbines - Part 2: Design Requirements for Small Wind Turbines
CNS 15176-2-2008:風力機 - 第2部:小型風力機設計要求
GB/T-17646:2013:小型風力發電 ​​- 機組設計要求
IEC 61400-2:2006 ed 2.0,
Wind Turbines - Part 2: Design Requirements for Small Wind Turbines
IEC 61400-3:2009,
Wind Turbines - Part 3: Design Requirements for Offshore Wind Turbines Design
IEC 61400-4:2012, (IEC 61400-4:2009 CD)
Wind Turbines - Part 4: Design Requirements for Wind Turbine Gearboxes
IEC 61400-5:2012,
Wind Turbines - Part 5: Rotor Blades
IEC 61400-11:2006, ed 2.1,
Wind Turbine Generator Systems - Part 11: Acoustic Noise Measurement Techniques
CNS 15176-11:風力機 - 第11部:噪音量測技術
IEC 61400-12-1:2005 ed 1.0,
Wind Turbines - Part 12-1: Power Performance Measurements of Electricility Producing Wind Turbines
CNS 151676-12-1:2012,風力機 - 第12-1部:發電用風力機之功率性能量測
IEC 61400-13:2001,
Wind Turbine Generator Systems - Part 13: Measurement of Mechanical Loads
CNS 15176-13:2012,風力機 - 第13部:機械負載量測
IEC 61400-14:2005
Wind Turbines - Part 14: Declaration of Apparent Sound Power Level and Tonality Level
CNS 15176-14:2011,風力機 - 第14部:視在聲功率及聲值之宣告
GB-Z-25425:2010,風力發電機組 - 公稱視在聲功率級和音值
IEC 61400-21:2001,
Wind Turbines - Part 21: Measurement and Asssessment of Power Quality Characteristics of Grid Connected Wind Turbines
CNS 15176-21:2013 (草),風力機  - 第21部:併聯型風力發電機組之電力品質特性量測與評估
IEC 61400-22:2010, ed 1.0,
Wind Turines - Part 22: Conformity Testing and Certification 
IEC/TR 61400-23:2009, Committee Draft for Vote 
Wind Turbines - Part 23: Full-Scale Structural Testing of Rotor Blades 
CNS 15176-23:2012,風力機 - 第23部:轉子葉片全尺度結構測試
IEC/TR 61400-24:2002, ed 1.0,
Wind Turbine Geneartor Systems - Part 24: Lightning Protection
IEC 61400-25-1:2006 ed 1.0,
Wind Turbines - Part 25-1: Communications for Monitoring and Control of Wind Power Plants - Overall Description of Principles and Models
IEC 61400-25-2:2006 ed 1.0,
Wind Turbines - Part 25-2: Communications for Monitoring and Control of Wind Power Plants - Information Models
IEC 61400-25-3:2006, ed 1.0,
Wind Turbines - Part 25-3: Communicatons for Monitoring and Control of Wind Power Plants - Information Exchange Models
IEC 61400-25-4:2008, ed 1.0,
Wind Turbines - Part 25-4: Communications for Monitoring and Control of Wind Power Plants - Mapping of Communication Profile
IEC 61400-25-5:2006 ed 1.0,
Wind Turbines - Part 25-5: Communications for Monitoring and Control of Wind Power Plants - Conformance Testing
IEC/TS 61400-26-1:2010 draft,
Wind Turbines - Part 26-1: Time Based Availability for Wind Turbines
 (1020138)風力機 - 第26-1部:風力發電機組時間導向可利用率
IEC/TS 61400-26-2,
Wind Turbines - Part 26-2: Production Based Availability for Wind Turbines
IEC/TS 61400-26-3,
Wind Turbines - Part 26-3: Time and Production Based Availability for Wind Power Plants
IEC 61400-27:2010,
Wind Turbines - Part 27: Electrical Simulation Models for Wind Power Generation


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