睿地可靠度論壇(TW-REDI Forum)

標題: Operating a Virtual Organization (QKC) to Be Effective as a Curatorial Platform [打印本頁]

作者: 官生平    時間: 2020-6-3 08:58:52     標題: Operating a Virtual Organization (QKC) to Be Effective as a Curatorial Platform

本帖最後由 官生平 於 2020-6-4 10:33 編輯

Operating a Virtual Organization (QKC) to Be Effective as a Curatorial Platform
Sheng-Pin Kuan*, Horng-Linn Perng
The Chinese Society for Quality, Quality Knowledge Community (CSQ/QKC), Taipei, Taiwan
*Corresponding Author: pin12345@ms5.hinet.net
Received ; Revised April 15, 2020; Accepted
Copyright©2020 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License


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