萊克 (Liker) 教授 : 持續改進與尊重員工是豐田精神的兩大支柱,豐田方法是加速過程、減低浪費、及改進品質的激進式系統 (radical system for speeding up processes, reducing waste, and improving quality)。
豐田 4P 模型:
過程 (process)
人員(員工與夥伴) (people and partners)
解題 (problem solving)
1. 理念為基礎 (Philosophy as the Foundation)
原則 1:管理決策以長期理念為基礎,即使因此犧牲短期財務也在所不惜。(Principle 1: Base your management decisions on a long-term philosophy, even at the expense of short-term financial goals)
2. 好的過程產生好的結果 (The right process will produce the right results)
原則 2:建立連續的過程流動使問題浮現檯面。(Principle 2: Create continous process flow to bring problems to the surface)
原則 3:使用拉式系統避免生產過剩。(Principle 3: Use pull system to avoid overproduction)
原則 4:均衡工作負荷。(Principle 4: Level out the workload) (Heihunka)
原則 5:建立解決問題第一時間就做好的暫停文化。(Principle 5: Build a culture of stopping to fix problems, to get quality right the first time)
原則 6:標準化工作是持續改進與員工授權的基礎。(Principle 6: Standardized tasks are the foundation for continous improvement and employment empowerment)
原則 7:運用視覺控制使問題無法遁形。(Principle 7: Use visual control so no problems are hidden)
原則 8:員工與過程只使用可靠的及測試完全的技術。(Principle 8: Use only reliable, thoroughly tested technology that services your people and processes)
3. 發展員工與夥伴為組織增加價值 (Add value to the organization by developing your people and partners)
原則 9:培養徹底瞭解工作、實踐哲學、及教導他人的領導者。(Principle 9: Grow leaders who thoroughly understand the work, live the philosophy, and teach it to others)
原則 10:發展遵循組織哲學的優秀人員與團隊。(Principle 10: Develop exceptional people and teams who follow your company's philosophy)
原則 11:重視擴大的合作夥伴與供應鏈網絡,激勵及協助他們進行改進。(Principle 11: Respect your extended network of partners and suppliers by challenging them and helping them improve)